Fourth graduation ceremony shining brighter than the sun

The Center’s fourth graduation ceremony was a joyous occasion where students were applauded for their achievements and could celebrate together.
On June 25, the China Cultural Center in Brussels warmly welcomed its students to this graduation ceremony. Quite literally, as a heat wave was rolling through the country. Braving the warm weather, more than 100 people attended the ceremony, conducted by Mr. Matsuo SCHLEUSNER, coordinator of the Center’s classes, who traditionally adds sprinkles of creativity and humor to the annual ceremony. To the delight of the attendees, he did not disappoint this year.
The beginning of the evening offered a calligraphy workshop by the Chinese painting and calligraphy teacher, Mr. ZHANG Wenhai. This way, students from other classes could get acquainted with the artistic part of the Center’s curriculum. The same principle counted for the taiji and qigong demonstrations, expertly executed by the students and led by their teachers, Mr. Ludwig VAN WAES and Ms. Clémentine LAFEAC.
Afterwards, Mr. GE Yiyou, Director of the China Cultural Center in Brussels, took the floor for a speech. He thanked the teachers and students for their hard work and enthusiasm. He admired the spirit of curiosity that led everyone to be persistent in their studies. Hoping the students got the chance to explore Chinese culture in its different facets, he congratulated them with their good results.
Then, the Chinese students got ready to go on stage. With vocal performance as this year’s theme, some students had prepared a song to sing together. The children following Ms. LUO’s Chinese class brought 找朋友 (zhao pengyou), the students of Ms. JIANG sang 大鱼海棠 (dayu haitang) and Ms. LIN’s students delivered a performance of the classic 茉莉花 (mòlìhuā).
Lastly, the capstone of this academic year: receiving the diploma. Students of the Chinese classes who passed the exams could collect a certificate of completion and a certificate of attendance was granted to the painting and calligraphy, taiji and qigong students who followed at least ten classes since January. As Mr. GE officially handed them the materialization of their learning experience, there was a proud and joyful atmosphere in the Center.
This atmosphere was a constant companion during the celebrations after the official graduation ceremony, where students could enjoy some Chinese delicacies with their family and friends.
The Center hopes for another successful and enriching academic year in September. See you in the new semester!
Registrations for next academic year will be open from August 19.
Source: Xinhua News