The Experiencing China days are over and what a success!

Yesterday, Thursday 14th of July, was the last of the Experiencing China! days. During the three afternoons (4th, 7th and 14th of July) the China Cultural Center in Brussels offered visitors the possibility to discover Chinese culture in a very entertaining way…
Indeed, besides a drawing contest, touristic information stands, instructive panels about the Chinese zodiac, the Great Wall and pandas and, of course, the two on-going exhibitions (The Pictorial Exhibition of Ancient Chinese Philosophers & Amazing Shanghai Photo Exhibition) young and old were invited to actually try out bit of Chinese culture! And thus spent quality time at the center, taking part in the 4 different workshops :
- Tea tasting with Mr Olivier Nuttens
- Calligraphy with Mr Zhang Wenhai
- Game of Go with Mr Thomas Connor
- And wushu with Mr Wang Jinlong and Mrs Lynn Wei
(Find out more about the different workshops in our previous article.)
The visitors also had quite some fun try to answer the witty questions of the Panda Quiz and all of them were rewarded for their efforts with wonderful (culturally Chinese) presents. Last but not least, everyone could taste some delicious Chinese snacks!
Over the 3 afternoons, the center welcomed between 180 and 200 people; families, groups of friends, youth centers etc. And given the success of this initiative, no doubt that there will be future editions of the ‘Experiencing China days’
The China Cultural Center team wishes to sincerely thank the visitors for their enthusiasm (some of you came for the three days!) and the 4 workshop leaders for their engagement and support!