Chinese Movie Nights – Special Documentary Screenings – China from China

In the framework of the 2nd China Festival in the EU, the classic Chinese Movie Nights are turning into Chinese Documentary Nights for 4 weeks in a row. The special documentary program of November is rich of high-quality documentaries, each one focusing on a different aspect of the Chinese culture : kung fu, porcelain, gastronomy, etc.
Every Monday and Wednesday evening until November 23rd will be dedicated to a screening of an English-subtitled documentary, for a deep discovery and understanding of the topic of the day ! Find here the complete program of the Chinese Documentary Nights.
As usual, the entrance is free but we ask you to register beforehand to the screening, by email to or by phone to 02/704.40.20.
For more information about the China Arts Festival in the EU and the rest of the Festival program, follow their news on Facebook or on their website.
China from China
English version, no subtitles
November 28th, 2016
From the 16th to the 18th century, over 300 million porcelain items were shipped from China to Europe to be sold around the world. The huge demand for porcelain created global trade, with some people spending their entire fortune collecting it, some others even dying for it.
At the peak time of the porcelain trade, the huge profits made China’s rulers accumulating 17,700 tons of silver, accounting for a third of the global output of silver. Also driven by the thought of huge profits, European potters tried to make porcelain themselves. A dish made between 1575 and 1587 by Francesco I de Medici in Italy marks the beginning of porcelain manufacturing in Europe. An anecdote tells that King Augustus II, well-known for his enthusiasm for porcelain, threw chemist Böttger in prison and forced him to study porcelain-making. Porcelain manufacturing in Europe was no longer just a dream.
At the time of the Industrial Revolution, British manufacturers used the steam engine in the porcelain industry, giving them a competitive edge over other porcelain makers in Europe. From then on, the European porcelain industry became more and more mature and creative.
The documentary shows how porcelain links the world together, from ancient times to the present day and from the East to the West and back again. It offers an opportunity for the audience to understand how porcelain develops in both China and Europe. More than 300 years has passed since those times, but communication between Chinese and other cultures, which was initiated by porcelain trading, has never stopped.
The program is subject to change, follow our Facebook page to stay tuned!