Chinese Movie Nights – Lost in White

In this suspenseful crime thriller, two policemen work together to unravel the complicated truth behind a kidnapping and the discovery of a corpse.

Lost in White 冰河追凶 (2016)

April 29, 2019 OV + EN subtitles


Duration: 101 min

Category: Thriller, crime

Director: XU Wei

Starring: Tony LEUNG Ka-fai, TONG Dawei, ZHOU Dongyu


A dead male is found under the glacier in the cold North. The experienced cop ZHOU Peng notices an unusual chemical in the stomach of the deceased. Meanwhile, a young cop from the South, WANG Hao, is investigating a kidnapping. The body brings the two policemen together and leads them to an accident back from ten years ago, hiding a secret never revealed before…



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